PRIMA - 2012

Section: New Results

Live monitoring and correction of 3DTV broadcasts

Participants : Pierre Arquier, Frédéric Devernay [correspondant] , Sylvain Duchêne, Sergi Pujades-Rocamora, Matthieu Volat.

3D broadcast monitoring and correction:

One of the achievements of the 3DLive FUI project was the transfer of real-time 3D video monitoring and correction algorithms to the Binocle company, and their integration into the TaggerLive product, which was used during several 3DTV broadcasts between 2010 and 2012 for live monitoring and correction of stereoscopic video. The algorithms that were developed within the PRIMA team and transferred into the TaggerLive are:

  • Multiscale view-invariant feature detection and matching on the GPU.

  • Computation of a temporally smooth and robust correction (or rectification) to remove the vertical disparity in the stereoscopic video while keeping the image aspect.

  • Real-time monitoring of the “depth budget”, or the histogram of the horizontal disparity;

  • Live alerts when stereoscopic production rules are broken, such as when the disparities are too large, or when there is a stereoscopic window violation.

  • Real-time implementation of a state-of-the-art dense stereo matching method on the GPU.

3D content adaptation:

3D shape perception in a stereoscopic movie depends on several depth cues, including stereopsis. For a given content, the depth perceived from stereopsis highly depends on the camera setup as well as on the display size and distance. This can lead to disturbing depth distortions such as the cardboard effect or the puppet theater effect. As more and more stereoscopic 3D content is produced in 3D (feature movies, documentaries, sports broadcasts), a key point is to get the same 3D experience on any display. For this purpose, perceived depth distortions can be resolved by performing view synthesis. We have proposed [19] a real time implementation of a stereoscopic player based on the open-source software Bino, which is able to adapt a stereoscopic movie to any display, based on user-provided camera and display parameters.

Focus mismatch detection:

Live-action stereoscopic content production requires a stereo rig with two cameras precisely matched and aligned. While most deviations from this perfect setup can be corrected either live or in post-production, a difference in the focus distance or focus range between the two cameras will lead to unrecoverable degradations of the stereoscopic footage. We have developed a method [18] to detect focus mismatch between views of a stereoscopic pair in four steps. First, we compute a dense disparity map. Then, we use a measure to compare focus in both images. After this, we use robust statistics to find which images zones have a different focus. Finally, to give useful feedback, we show the results on the original images and give hints on how to solve the focus mismatch.